Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Akhirnya, Perasaan Homesick Itu Datang Juga

Oke..setelah sekian lama, akhirnya gue nge-blog lagi. Gue udah gak tahan buat gak nge-blog. Ahhh rasanya pengen teriak, pengen nangis TT_TT ahhhh maaf dehhh kalo lebay, tapi gue lagi homesick tingkat dewa bujana banget ini ya Allah. Hm…kenapa gue bisa homesick?
Semuanya berawal dari….
Alhamdulillah, akhirnya setelah perjuangan yang luar biasa berat, kurang lebih 2 tahun-an, gue akhirnya mendapatkan universitas yang tidak pernah terbayangkan di benak gue sebelumnya, yaitu UNDIP. Gue bukannya meng-underestimate UNDIP, gue gak nyesel kok masuk UNDIP, Alhamdulillah gue bersyukur banget kok masuk sini, pertama sih...karena disini udah ada kakak dan sodara. Kakak udah semester 5 dan sodara udah semester 3. Ngerasa jadi ada yang bisa ngelindungin lah. Yang kedua, Alhamdulillah lagi, disini orangnya baik-baik semua. Apa mungkin karena ini fakultas teknik (oh ya Alhamdulillah gue keterimanya di teknik planologi), dimana, di fakultas teknik gak kenal yang namanya lo-lo gue-gue, karena di universitas manapun, fakultas teknik dituntut harus kompak kan?
Tapi….gue tetep aja homesick. Homesick banget…awal-awal minggu kemaren, gue homesick karena kangen sama orang tua. Bangun tidur aja rasanya masih suka kaget karena udah bukan bangun di kamar sendiri lagi. Waktu awal-awal kalo ada telfon bahkan video call dari mama, males gue angkat, soalnya kalo denger suara dia, bawaannya malahan jadi sedih dan ujung-ujungnya malahan nangis. Tapi Alhamdulillah, setelah beberapa hari, gue mulai coba buat nahan diri. Ditambah, sekarang orang tua gue lagi pada naik haji. Awalnya gue masih ngarepin seengaknya setiap hari di sms sekali aja sama mama, dan minimal 3 hari sekali ditelfon, tapi disini, ada temen gue yang orang tuanya lagi naik haji juga, namanya Tazri, dari Bekasi, dan ceritanya dia itu gak tau kenapa, ngena lah. Dia bilang, semenjak masuk Mekkah ibunya udah gak pernah sms dia lagi, soalnya ibunya mau fokus ibadah. Semenjak itu, gue langsung ngerasa gak enak minta mama buat terus sms dan coba nelfon gue yang nelfon 15 menit aja pasti udah ngabisin pulsa beratus-ratus ribu, gue juga gak mau ganggu ibadah orang tua gue jadi gak bisa khusyuk dan gak ngedapetin pahala dari ibadah haji yang seutuhnya  karena harus mikirin gue disini.
Nah, gue kira, masalah homesick gue jadinya udah terselesaikan. Ternyata enggak TT_TT, malahan makin parah ya Allah. Ini semua berawal karena Olda. Demi, gak ngerti lagi seberapa sayangnya aku sama tuh anak. Ya Allah, sebenernya gue juga Alhamdulillah gak pernah lost contact sama temen-temen gue waktu dulu, dari jaman smp sampe sma. Walaupun chat nya gak frequent, masih chat lah seengaknya sama mereka, nanya kabar mereka di kuliah mereka masing-masing dan cerita-cerita. Tapi…..ininih…karena si Olda ini nih…kenapa harus ngirim vn vn segala sih daa TT_TT. Kita tuh belom sempet perpisahan waktu itu. Olda sama gue tuh udah mulai deket sejak kelas 9 smp, nah kita di kelas ( punya beberapa temen deket juga, siva,alda,ulfa) niatnya sebelum pada mulai sibuk sama dunia kuliah masing-masing, kita mau ketemuan buat yaa kayak perpisahan kecil-kecillan lah. Tapi semuanya gagal, soalnya UI (Alhamdulillah Olda sama Alda keterima di UI Teknik Industri sama Manajemen), bener-bener udah sibuk dari jaman rekiplik. Ya Allah..pengen ketemu mereka lagi ya Allah………..
Gak cuman Olda aja. Gue juga jadi kangen pengen ketemu lagi sama temen-temen gila semasa SMA gue. Zhafira,eka…gila tuh dua orang..kita selalu bikin dunia yang cuman kita bertiga doang yang ngerti, yang lainnya serasa numpang nge-kos doang dirumah nenek. Nonton film dikelas, cerita-cerita heboh-heboh sama Ambar sama Cumi, curhat tentang….yaaa taulah masa remaja anak sekarang, sama mereka. Gaje-gaje-an bareng sama patul,ilcong sama opal. 3 cowok tergila yang pernah gue kenal, paling gila sih kalo patul sama ilcong udah berkombinasi sih, opal mah yaa numpang nge-kos aja. Trus ngecengin ketua rohis yang memiliki ganteng dan kharisma yang sangat dirahmati Allah, mas goci!!!. Ahh jadi kangen juga sama mas goci. Sebenernya waktu itu kita ngecengin mas goci cuman karna salah satu sohib gue yang namanya tidak boleh disebut (heheehee kasian diaa nanti namanya tercemar), suka abis-abissan sama tuh orang, jadi kita suka manas-manassin dia deh heheheee, ehhh tapi malah jadi keterusan keenakkan ngecenginnya hehehee ^^v. Trus kangen juga sama mas agan cokiber firas yang selalu mendapatkan kepercayaan mendapatkan angket terganteng seangkatan secara terus menerus. Tapi aslinya…sifatnya tidak terlalu mencerminkan mukanya sayangnya..koplak dia jadi orang. Kangen sama Febby, sang nenek lovers…yang selalu diam-diam, tapi selalu mengikuti nenek kemanapun nenek pergi (nenek itu tyas, hehehee), dan lain-lainnya!!!!!Gak semuanya disebut, bukan berarti gak kangen sama mereka!!!kangen banget juga!!!temen-temen gila dan seperjuangan dari kelas 10, kelas 11, semuanya ya Allah!!

Beberapa kumpulan foto-foto gue sama temen-temen semasa SMA




temen gila banget ngebolang ke blok-m
bareng eh jadi beralay ria berphoto box bareng

the best <3

sama adek ketemu gede {}

Temen terbaik pas kelas 3!!

immersion program ke Singapore

basboh di ultah adnin, adnin bisa ultah {}


ultah tyas beserta surprisenya yang sukses ^^

In conclusion, there's no word that could describe how much I miss all of you guys. Makin-makin sukses ya kalian di kuliah. Kita semua pasti bakal sukses bareng-bareng!!

Sunday, May 25, 2014


Whatsup fellas?!hope you all doing great

Today I feel like wanna share something in my blog, because so many things happen within a week!!! First….

I LOST MY PHONE!!!!YES!!!!!!I LOST IT!!!!!MY LUMIA 900!!!!!oke…maybe it’s not an iPhone 5s, or galaxy note3 or Samsung S5, infact, I couldn’t do anything with it, just texting and phone-ing and yap…just like an old cellphone could do. I don’t know what’s wrong with it but I couldn’t use my phone for internet even for simple apps for chatting that every teenager should have, Line and whatssapp!!! But still….. I treasure so many things on that phone (hehee…because it has 16 Gb as memory). So many photos of me with my greatest friends, my idol photos,even my crush (well I keep it in somewhere hidden so nobody could’t see it,even you need password to open it)…just..Arghhh!!!!! I miss texting and chatting with my friends!!! AHHH!!!! I miss olda, siva, meutia dina, eka, puput, ambar, cumi, deta, alda.…gosh…. I miss them all so badly T_T…almost everynight I’m texting with all of them ahhh…… I don’t wanna lost contact with them. But I pretty sure, my mom won’t buy me a new phone for until I don’t know, maybe I’m already married U_U huu..because my mom keep telling me “I won’t but you the new one!go ask your father!!” again..and again..and again…so…just finger crossed U_U

And then…..yesterday!!! well…I never thought yesterday would be such a wonderful day for me. Let me share my experience with you. So yesterday, I wen to UI (university of Indonesia). It’s one of the best after UGM and ITB (based on world rangking) in Indonesia. So the faculty of engineering having an event called Torsion..wait…I think I sometimes I will use Indonesian ahak..ahak..pardon my lack in English fellas U_U.

Jadi tuh disana diadain kayak simulasi TO SBMPTN 2014 gitulohh..(wish me tons of luck guys for the real one later on!!!). Nah…awalnya, semangat buat kesananya aja juga enggak..yaa gak males juga sih, lebih ke biasa aja, sebenernya niat awalnya cuman pengen tau UI tuh kayak gimana sih, terutama pengen liat jembatan merah (walaupun banyak kisah horornya disitu) sama perpus UI yang terkenal WOW nya. TAPI!!!event for the time I saw the environment, I got hooked!! Oh my God!!! So green!! I even asked myself “are we still in Jakarta?” and those environment, I don’t know why exactly, but it was remind me a lot of NTU environment…but UI’s is greener and…more Indonesian of course -__-. Nah…abis itu kita ikut to nya kan. Oh ya yang ikut kesana itu ada deta, tyas, giska sama ilfa. Kita to pokoknya sampe jam 12 kurang 15 deh. Nahhh yang jadi panitianya tuh mahasiswa UI nya semua. Iyasih udah pasti namanya juga di universitas ini acara pasti yang ngadain mahasiswanya sendiri. Awalnya..hem..yaa baiklah..tapi, abis itu kita tur departemen tehnik kawan-kawan!!sumpah demi apapun I think this such an honor opportunity and I think many people out there should regret it because they didn’t join this event! Ya Allah…kita masuk ke semua departemen tehnik sampe ke lab-labnya juga!!! Dan for crying out loud lab nya fakultas metallurgy sama sama tehnik mesin tuh keren banget!!daebak banget to the max!!itu sebenernya bukan kayak lab sih tapi kata kakaknya namanya bengkel, tapi itu gilaa……keren banget…bener-bener keren bangett kayak orang kerjaan beneran gitudehhh. TRUSSSSSSS TAMBAHANNYA LAGI!!!!!! Semakin kita mengitari UI (walaupun cuman lingkungan tehnik) tapi…semakin kita sadar…gila……..BANYAK BANGET COWOK KECE DI UI GAK BOONG SUMPAH!!! Hem…yang paling teringat….kakak yang dari program internasional…(tinggi pasti 180-an lebih 185 kali, item manis, muka mulus…bayangkan saja kawan-kawan),trus..kakak di jurusan tehnik industry (kata tyas sih..mirip…ahakahak..pokoknya kayak ada darah arab-arabnya gitu deh mukanya,kemaren pake kemeja flannel, tapi tingginya..palingan 180-an tapi gak sampe 185-an deh kayaknya),trus ada lagi dari klub robotic gitu namanya kak rizky (heheeee masih ingettt), tinggi....palingan 185-an, item manis, jago b.inggris coyyy keliatan dari cara ngomongnya, terutama cara ngomong “r” nya, dan robotic guys..tinggi,ganteng,pinter b.inggris, dan sophisticated,hem…dannn iniiiiiii ininihhh iniiiii!! Terakhir dari klub apa sih..pokoknya nyiptain mobil atau kapal selam gitu deh, trus mobilnya, mobil ramah lingkungan gitulohhh apa sih kemaren gak terlalu meratiin (salah focus kali ya kemaren -_-), gila….putih…sipit..tinggi..(gak tau semenjak abis ikut les di suatu tempat yang mayoritas dari anak-anak kolese kanisius, penabur dkk yang isinya orang-orang sipit putih pinter, jadi ngefans banget sama cowok-cowok kayak gituu..apalagi plus tinggi,plus jago ngerap, plus suaranya ngebass plus humoris, plus kocak (eh itu mah chanyeol ^^v)). Trus…kakak yang jadi mandu kelllingnya juga lumayan kecelah…aduh…gak tau kenapa..semua kakak cowoknya tuh kece semua disana. Kece lebih ke berkharisma soalnya. Apa mungkin soalnya semuanya pada pake jakun (read:jaket kuning) ya?hem…

Hah…tapi parah deh..masa di akhir sesi kan yaa kayak perpisahan gitu trus boleh nanya-nanya kan, trus kakaknya cerita pokoknya katanya kalo di UI gak mungkin dapet ipk 1, -an apalagi kalo awal-awal paling 3-an dapet lah, KECUALI KALO DI ITB!!AHHH BUT ITB IS MY ULTIMATE DREAM UNIVERSITY SINCE EVER!!! And those words…scared me to hell…nanti kalo kata mereka bener gimana? What if I have to struggle a lot just to have a normal score? Soalnya mereka pada bilang disana kalo pinter ya pinter banget, kalo enggak, ya udah enggak. Jadi kayak gak ada golongan tengah gitu. Ipk kalo gak dapet 4 yaa berarti dapet 2-an..aduh..Ya Allah…semoga gak bener juga deh itu semua. AHHHH YA UDAHLAH!!USAHA DULU DIN!!!FIX 3 MINGGU LAGI NIH SEBELUM SBM!!!AJA AJA FIGHTING!!!AYOKKK BELAJAR SAMPE PAGI LAGI!!!SEMANGAT SAMPE TUMPE-TUMPE (kata tyas -__-)!!!

And well…actually I have another story, but…I don’t think it is really necessary so that’s all guys!! Actually I took some photos yesterday but on my friend’s phone because I don’t have any phone anymore

T_T soo… I just gonna attached some photos of me and my friends since I miss them all a lot after for almost 3 days i lost contact with all of them TT_TT
And here there are...the best 3 photos that  I treasured the most because it brings back so many wonderful memories T_T

from my little reunion with olda and siva
crazy time with craziest people <3
One of my unforgettable holiday in my entire life

Monday, April 28, 2014

Korean Males


…SO……DINNNN RECALL ALL OF YOUR DREAM DIN,DREAM THAT YOU'VE BEEN HOLD ON TO FOR THESE YEARS!!!!!! Japan is just some miles aways from South Korea, unlike Indonesia, with thousand, no, million, no, billion miles away. Not a doubt you could meet Exo's oppa easily, even better you could see or maybe jump into Chanyeol oppa easily (fangirling mode starting wild). And then you could go to Okinawa. YESSS OKINAWA!!! like heaven in the real world...You love fish right? like Haru, it'll be such a  heaven for you Din, you could visit the best "Sea World" in the world. Or maybe you just could dig your pocket jut a little deeper and go to Jeju Island. Yeah... what a dream...

Din, for the first time, you got the chance Din, you got it, because of Allah you got it dinnn. And you just have to face 2 subject, only 2 Din, you don't have to struggling with physics, biology and of course CHEMISTRY! and it's only 12 days left din before the D-day. Ya Allah....

Haha....sorry guys for making such an annoying entrance. I just need to throw away all of my problems and I don't know any right place but here. I talked with some of my friends, but still, all  of those problems still haunting me.  Once again, I'm sorry heheheee

Well, even it's kinda late, but better late than never, I wanna welcome me back on blog!! yeahhhhh finally I'm back!! I'm willing to write another post!! after vacuum for a long period hehe.hm....... what I want to share with you right now?

HAHA!!!KOREAN MALE MODELS!!!! guys...seriously, I know joo ji hoon is a model (just saying his name makes drolling all over him again) yes...maybe all of you don't know who the heck joo ji hoon is (he was Prince Shin in Princess Hours), for korean, maybe familiar name would be lee min ho, kim bum, kim soo hyun (waaa this guy is a starstruck now) but I don't know that LEE JONG SUK, SO JI SUB, and don't let me tear down all of the names because it'll be tiring, they all are also models!!! GOSH I know I should have known it since before century (with their height and look) but still...some article said "model industry in Korea is not really big so THESE MODELS KNOW EACH OTHER" guys....just imagine..joo ji hoon, lee jong suk, kim woo bin, lee kwang soo, so ji sub, hanging out together, talking about their showbiz life outside model world...if I could watch that scene in real life, I could die on the place right away with happiness!!!hah...actually yesterday I found some article with photo as a proof that yes fella these models actually all are friends but I forgot where I found it, so I couldn't tag along the picture (too bad :( )

But I know, my obsession is not only korean male model, but also KOREAN MALES WITH HEIGHT OVER 180 CM!! oh yeah!! just list it



(haha...I chose this photo because of...kris' pose...oh yeah..<3)

Joo Ji hoon (187 cm)

(looks like I could sliding on his nose)

Kim Woo Bin (188 cm)

Lee Jong Suk (186 cm)

Lee Kwang Soo (190 cm)

(kim jong kook as a bonus)

So Ji Sub (182 cm)

 and don't let me continue, because it'll take a night..heheheee

Well I think that's all which what I want to write this time, annyeong!! hope you like my newest post <3

Thursday, August 8, 2013

My Sister

My second post for today is...

Guys, do you have any sisters? Older sister? Today I wanna tell you about my sister

Actually we’re not really close. I don’t know why. Maybe because we don’t have such a thing in common, we barely sharing our story and other things that siblings should do. We even never fight again, or just bickering, we didn’t do those things since we grew up. When we were a little, we fought a lot and I think that made us became closer at that time. But ever since we grew up. We became really different person. Like for example: She likes 1 I like 2. One day, I ever watched a tv show about Korean, but She was mocking it!!! Like in a serious way!! AHHH I hate that for sure!! And I ever watched Korean drama on tv and then she coldly said, “change the channel”. WHAT?? WHO ARE YOU?? MY MOM??

I think she worse than my mom. She acts like a big woman. She always told me to do things. Even my mom never really did the same thing. When I woke up late, she always told me to take a shower first. My mom never told me to do so. Infact when she’s the one who woke up late, I never feel bothered to make her take a shower first!! And she’s always preach me to do this, to do that, and this, and that and this and that and so many things!!ARGH!!

She’s such a quite and I don’t know,maybe  hidden person. She has her first boyfriend right now and I just knew it when one of my cousin already knew it since it was started?? And I just knew it from my own inverstigation, not by her story. What kind of sister is she? She didn’t consider me as her sister? Am I a stranger? Ahhhhhh it hurt a lot!!! I hate it!!!!

And then…..she’s so freaking beautiful. Believe me guys. Totally different from me. Everyone who already knew my sister would be like “din, your sister so gorgeous”, but no one never said that to me. I don’t really care much about it actually. I’m not such a -want to look pretty and perfect- kinda person. But sometimes it bugged me a lot. Since I was a kid, when we were walked or went somewhere together, everyone would said “Nabila…you’re so pretty”,”wow….this one is really beautiful (pointing my sister)”,”you look like an actrees”,”you’re so gorgeous”, and so on and so on and so on. But me who was standing right next to her, I think I was invicible. No one even care to recognize me. Oh my god, yeahh maybe, because…that beautiful person has a younger sister like me? AHHHHH I know I shouldn’t be like this!!!!!! But this kind of treatment, I still have this kind of treatment till right now!!! Ya Allah…I don’t wannabe like this. She’s my only older sister Ya Allah…astaghfirullah…

And you should know, the amount of meal that she had a day? If I had for example



Yup!HAHA I know. But seriously guys I’m not exaggerating things. Many people, almost most people who know me they all would say I have such a huge appetite. Really huge. But my sister. She’s always having a meal with that amount of meal? Are you really enough with that? I can hear your stomache growling seriously!! Hah…….I know now her body just so perfect, tall and slim. But…like what Jennifer Lawrence said “oh yeah nothing taste better than skinny, how about hamburger, lasagna?”. Hah…now I gain my respect toward Jennifer. Proud of you girl!!

But I still love her. Nothing I can do. She’s my sister. My only sister. Infact when she’s not around, I missed her. I just hope, one day, I’ll be closer with her.Not really bothered anymore with the attention that she got, She deserves it. Of course because she is beautiful. Seriously. I just hope one day, we will open to each other more. Tell story more. Become closer than ever. And she’s finally appreciate my taste in Korean things. Ah….I hope Ya Allah…

Okay..I have to go now because today is the second day of Eid Mubarak so bye readers

One of My Best Week

So readers. Last week has been quite the best week so far for me!! Because so many wonderful things happened like


                Exo is officially back!!! My Chanyeol is back and guys, I swear to God, his new hairstyle is the best one so far!!! With bang and kinda bad boy look, BAM!!! I’m dead everytime I saw his performance on Growl MV. And on the MV..He’s wearing a suit!!!! A grey suit and for God sake, I always fallin love with Korean boys who’s wearing suit. Their flawless skin, with their gorgeous height and weight. What a perfect combination. Guys….honestly I kinda scared if I’ll be dragging too far and drowning too deep with Chanyeol thing..but I can’t help it T_T. You know I’ve ever like someone back there. He used to be my class captain when I was on my *pippp* grade (not ready to expose it to the world). And I met him again finally after more than 1 year I just could saw him secretly in distance. But I wasn’t feel anything special. Just happy overload, but when I got home, and did my thing again (fangirling over chanyeol) and BAM!!! Feels like I’ve being hypnotized and forgot everything that just happened and once again, in my world there are only three boys: my dad, our prophet (Muhammad SAW) and Park Chanyeol! Yes!!! I swear!!! since I went crazy over him, my life is a mess, just one day without fangirling over him, will be a suck day. Hah…and of course that kinda bother me because I have to focus studying and stop fangirling!


                Last Thursday, my 10th grade classmate breakfasting together!! And I think that was the best breakfasting that ever happened for this Ramadhan moment. My 10th grade moment was the best time of my high school life. I surrounded with bunch of people that kinda same with my personality. Just like one of my friend said, I wasn’t being picky. But just I couldn’t fit with a particular type of people. I have tried my best to blend in but never successed. I don’t know why, at first I always thought is there something wrong me? I don’t wannabe such a picky person. I wanna have many friends of any kind of type of people. But…hah….oke…at least that dark period finally over. And finally I can Loling without have to fake it. And the best part is...I finally could met someone that I seriously think that person would not actually coming. That person presence always brighten up the atmosphere because seriously that person is such a brilliant joker! The funniest person I’ve ever met!! And to fill the night after we ate our dinner, we played a game called concentration. Everyone who attended joined the game!! So much fun!! So in the game we have to call our name with someone else’s name like “dina puput” and Puput, name that I just called must answer the call with say her name with someone else’s name like “puput buti”. But if puput call dina’s name again or need a time to think to say other’s name she will get a dare punishment! Ahhhh what a lovely day what a lovely day what a lovely dayyy!!


                On Friday. Another best thing happened. First, so like what I have told you on my past post, about my dream. I want to continue my study abroad to Singapore with getting scholarship. And of course it means, good at English is a must. Getting TOEFL or IELTS score as high as possible is the only choice that I have. So I decided to take an English course. To take IELTS preparation class. But I have to pass the placement test first with a good score if I want to join that class. I was scared at first because last year I did the same thing, to enroll the TOEFL preparation class in other English course. But I failed. I afraid to failed for the second time because I don’t have much time left. If I failed, I have to attend the regular class first that take more than 5 months but I only have 6 months left. And some people said, this institution is one of the best. So many people recommended this course to me. And the tuition actually is not really expensive, not like the other one who costs more than 8 million, when I heard the costs is 8 million, all I could think of is just my parents’ face. But Alhamdulillahirobbil ‘alaminn I passed the test!!!! Bismillah ya Allah ya rob!!! Thank you so much for all the bless. I’ll try my best to keep studying and fighting!! (actually today I have to study, but….oke…after I post this, I will do my homework first till all of them are finish so next time I’ll study hard!! Even when I have to take 24 hours!!!*on fire*)
                And in the evening. I breakfasting with some of junior high school closest friends. Actually just with Olda and Siva. At first Alda said she would come but then just 1 day before the D-day, she said she have to go to Bandung!! And Ulfa, she said she had to go somewhere too. So it was kinda a quite meeting because just three of us who’d came. But I still have a great time. Olda…hah………I already get bored with seing her face. HAHAAAAAA KIDDING MY BRO!!! MY BELOVED BRO!!!! But I just met her I think last month so met her wasn’t really special. I MEAN LIKE NOTHING WON’T CHANGE MUCH JUST AFTER  A MONTH RIGHTT? If she finally be an exotic or at least be more appreciate with exo..well….I maybe I will make the Oldakudilada 2 post. Hehehee…hah……she’s such one of the bestfriend I’ve ever met. We totally syncronize well. We kinda have the same way of thingking same of act, same of…I don’t know, MANY THINGS!!!! Oke…enough with Olda thing -_-. And then Siva…….hah……my chatting while learning friend. You know what, when were on the 9th grade, I used to always study together with her through bbm. Hah…….. I missed her a lot!! And she’s my one of the best partner when it comes to fangirling! She’s not like Olda who’s always mocking other people’s bias or just keep stick with 1 bias uhhhhh so boring :p. But siva (I called her Ciba actually) never mocking my idol’s but sometimes worst, fangirling over my idol ( but in a “bad way” of fangirling), and she as lots of idol so not a doubt that she likes my idol too even just a little so we can fangirling together. Ahhhhh what a wonderful person <3. We took so many crazy pictures together :D but unfortunately siva haven't uploaded all the photos yet U_U I don't have any pictures to show you,hah...but maybe next post?because I think I wanna post something about my junior high school's life next time. So I think that's all for today :D

Ahhhhh what a long post and what a lovely week!!! Thank you for read my blog

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Another Random Post

Hi readers!! now....... I think I will write about Lord of The Rings: The Return of The King and EXO'S COMEBACK!!!!!!!!

Today, I just watched Lord of The Rings: Return of The King, because it aired on WarnerTv. Actually I already watched it a really long time ago. When I was still in elementary school. And til right now, I think Lord of The Rings are the most epic trilogy movie I've ever seen!!! I haven't watched it for years, and I cried!!! I cried when...everyone bowed to Frodo and friends, when Frodo and friends bowed to Aragorn on the day he became The King of Minas Tirith but then Aragorn said, "my friends, you bow to no one" 

and then he bowed to him and eveyone did the same.Gosh......I shed a tear on that scene because..Frodo and Sam deserved it. They suffered a lot. And then there's another scene when I'm not just shed a tear, but crying!!!! The scene when Frodo left!! When he said Shire has saved but he is not,because of the wound that he got from the fellowship of the ring movie, never really cured. Gosh......I can't stand it...the suffer you were through and then yet you just can't live in peace and happiness, you haven't found a wife yet, and you're still young to leave your world and go to another world with your uncle Frodo...ahhhh what a beautiful movie...And then, there is Eowyn....hah...that lady. I adored her so much, for her braveness, for the pain that she held for loving Aragorn but not being loved back, for her kindness and at least...in the end..I think She married Faramir right?

And Yes....Faramir finally, happy ending for him too! Another character that deserved happy ending a lot!! And then Legolas.....

well....there is nothing much to say about him, just he's always flawless as he used to. And then the fight between him and Gimli for who's killing the most enemy, I've never get bored of that..And then finally

I realize how charming Aragorn is...with his black sleek gorgeous hair...even his hair, and Legolas' hair are better than mine....

Oke....maybe enough fot Lord of The Rings things...cause now I wanna write about EXO'S COMEBACK!!!!!!GROWL!!!!!MY CHANYEOL IS BACK!!!!

And his got new hairstyle!!!He get a bang!!!!a bang!!!!!!a bang!!!!!!!!I think he's getting hotter with his new look, I seriously officially wanna die..I can't wait for 1 august to come!!!I can't wait that's way too long.....hah......maybe it would be save for me if I haven't seen the teaser yet so I won't be like this...AHHHH MY CHANYEOLLLLL

And...and....guys....I think...I found another quite attractive boy from A-JAX. I think the leader kinda cute.....heheheee I'm impressed with him during his comeback performance on mubank with insane. And I found him quite cute actually...

heheeee but my love still goes for Chanyeol only...hehehheee

OK...maybe that's all form me today because there's nothing much happening today actually...soo bye readers!!see you on 1 August exotic!!!!!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Random Post

Ahhh this time maybe I will use Indonesian language more

Gila....hari ini....my mood wasn't good at all all day long!!!
Besok bakal tes simulasi beasiswa dan sumpah udah seharian belajar, semingguan malah!! seengaknya tiap hari belajar 2 jam tapi tetep aja ya allah......sumpah takut banget...masalahnya masa kata ko nya, hasilnya bakal digabung sama anak yang di Jakarta Barat trus nanti bakal diurutin. Ahh gila aja....kalo nanti dapet urutan yang paling jelek gimana??terendah gimana?? ahhhh ya allah....Sebenernya malahan mau banget tes besok lancar. Kan bisa buat gambaran, kalo misalnya besok bisa lancar kan, insyaAllah pas tes utamanya bisa bener-bener lancar. Abisan kan dari jaman rekplik juga pasti soal-soal try out gitu-gitu pasti lebih susah dari pada actual test nya. Ya Allah....Ya Allah....

Ahhhhh padahal cuman 6 materi ya Allah yang baru dipelajarin, partial fraction, binomial expansion, differentiation, integral, sama first order differentiation. Ya Allah!!!! ahhhhh seharusnya mulai belajarnya dari 2 minggu yang lalu ini ahhhh gilaaaaaaaaaa moron moron moron!!!!!!! Ya Allah..... pengen belajar lagi tapi udah mumet mana ada tugas b.indo lagi...b.indo senin lagi...besok pergi pagi pulang malem. ahhhh fix fixxx!!!

Ya Allah why could I feeling like this?...like lonely, and not having any spirit to live the day, Ya Allah..ahhhhhh kangen smp Ya Allah!! Sumpah demi apapun kangen Ciba, kangen Olda, kangen Iti, kangen Alda, kangen Sarhum, kangen Ade -_-, kangen Bombak juga malah, kangen beo juga malah gilanya!! kangen pak bedul, kangen pak tukimin, kangen pak duhh siapa sih tuh guru agama islam lupa.... pak zainal, ya Allah... walaupun di kantin yang dijual cuman mie indomie doang dari ujung ke ujung, tetep aja ternyata ngangenin juga. Kangen sholat di mushollanya. Ya allah...kangen banget masa-masa smp yang dikelilingin sama temen-temen yang sepaham (di sma gak ada yang gila kpopers T_T, ada sih...tapi gak sepaham). Trus kangen gila-gilaan sama Olda, Ciba, Alda, Audi, Iti, nari-nari gak jelas, mulai dari Gee sampe Lucifer (gila kan broo nge-dance Lucifer kitaa).  Trus...jujur.....sumpah....I am more happy when I'm surrounded by bunch of crazy and fool people than people I know they're crazy too, crazy too the max, but prefer to talking about boys and worst love... gosh..... I'm not kinda person who's interested to talk about those stuff yet. I prefer talking about nonsense stuff and idol and nonsense stuff and idol and dreams...

It doesn't mean I don't love my high school friends, I love my high school friends too damn much. I found more great friends in high school, Afi, Atika, Dwi, Puput, Deta, Vabbya. I love them all wholeheartedly. But I'm still missing my old friends my old life even my old me. Me when just school and idol, things that keep spinning on my brain, no space for boys. But now, everywhere I go, talking about boy here and there and there and there and there and there (ponting around). And sometimes when slowly but sure all of my friends finally have a boyfriend, it makes me...feel like a total jones for the first time. and I don't want to feel like that!!! I want to pursue my dreams first!!! NO BOYS ALLOWED!! soo that's why..... I so damn crazy miss my old friends, doing our crazy stuff and friends who will understand about my obsession toward Park Chanyeol...walaupun mereka gak suka juga sama Park Chanyeol, malahan ngatain mulu (nyindir someone out there *smirk*), but at least she understand me. Because now, everytime when I talk about Chanyeol, almost everyone will give me "the look". sigh....sigh...sigh.....long sigh.....

Ahhhhh kangen Olda Siva banget parah.....

Ya Allah...please...let our friendship, my friendship with Olda and Siva will last forever. And let my dream do come true (dapet beasiswa S1 full di NTU jurusan antara tekling sama teksi) Aamiinn Ya Allah...Me go to NTU, Olda goes to Fkunpad, Ciba...I haven't know what is her dream yet...next time when I chat her I'll ask her for sure.

look look!I visited NTU on my last holiday!!

Well...I think I have to go now...because I'm sleepy and still have some thing to do (homework) so bye readers :*
