Whatsup fellas?!hope you all doing great
Today I feel like wanna share something in my blog, because
so many things happen within a week!!! First….
900!!!!!oke…maybe it’s not an iPhone 5s, or galaxy note3 or Samsung S5, infact,
I couldn’t do anything with it, just texting and phone-ing and yap…just like an
old cellphone could do. I don’t know what’s wrong with it but I couldn’t use my
phone for internet even for simple apps for chatting that every teenager should
have, Line and whatssapp!!! But still….. I treasure so many things on that
phone (hehee…because it has 16 Gb as memory). So many photos of me with my
greatest friends, my idol photos,even my crush (well I keep it in somewhere
hidden so nobody could’t see it,even you need password to open
it)…just..Arghhh!!!!! I miss texting and chatting with my friends!!! AHHH!!!! I
miss olda, siva, meutia dina, eka, puput, ambar, cumi, deta, alda.…gosh…. I
miss them all so badly T_T…almost everynight I’m texting with all of them
ahhh…… I don’t wanna lost contact with them. But I pretty sure, my mom won’t
buy me a new phone for until I don’t know, maybe I’m already married U_U
huu..because my mom keep telling me “I won’t but you the new one!go ask your
father!!” again..and again..and again…so…just finger crossed U_U
And then…..yesterday!!! well…I never thought yesterday would
be such a wonderful day for me. Let me share my experience with you. So
yesterday, I wen to UI (university of Indonesia). It’s one of the best after
UGM and ITB (based on world rangking) in Indonesia. So the faculty of
engineering having an event called Torsion..wait…I think I sometimes I will use
Indonesian ahak..ahak..pardon my lack in English fellas U_U.
Jadi tuh disana diadain kayak simulasi TO SBMPTN 2014
gitulohh..(wish me tons of luck guys for the real one later on!!!). Nah…awalnya, semangat buat kesananya
aja juga enggak..yaa gak males juga sih, lebih ke biasa aja, sebenernya niat
awalnya cuman pengen tau UI tuh kayak gimana sih, terutama pengen liat jembatan
merah (walaupun banyak kisah horornya disitu) sama perpus UI yang terkenal WOW
nya. TAPI!!!event for the time I saw the environment, I got hooked!! Oh my
God!!! So green!! I even asked myself “are we still in Jakarta?” and those
environment, I don’t know why exactly, but it was remind me a lot of NTU environment…but
UI’s is greener and…more Indonesian of course -__-. Nah…abis itu kita ikut to
nya kan. Oh ya yang ikut kesana itu ada deta, tyas, giska sama ilfa. Kita to
pokoknya sampe jam 12 kurang 15 deh. Nahhh yang jadi panitianya tuh mahasiswa
UI nya semua. Iyasih udah pasti namanya juga di universitas ini acara pasti
yang ngadain mahasiswanya sendiri. Awalnya..hem..yaa baiklah..tapi, abis itu
kita tur departemen tehnik kawan-kawan!!sumpah demi apapun I think this such an
honor opportunity and I think many people out there should regret it because
they didn’t join this event! Ya Allah…kita masuk ke semua departemen tehnik sampe ke
lab-labnya juga!!! Dan for crying out loud lab nya fakultas metallurgy sama
sama tehnik mesin tuh keren banget!!daebak banget to the max!!itu sebenernya
bukan kayak lab sih tapi kata kakaknya namanya bengkel, tapi itu gilaa……keren
banget…bener-bener keren bangett kayak orang kerjaan beneran gitudehhh.
TRUSSSSSSS TAMBAHANNYA LAGI!!!!!! Semakin kita mengitari UI (walaupun cuman
lingkungan tehnik) tapi…semakin kita sadar…gila……..BANYAK BANGET COWOK KECE DI
UI GAK BOONG SUMPAH!!! Hem…yang paling teringat….kakak yang dari program
internasional…(tinggi pasti 180-an lebih 185 kali, item manis, muka
mulus…bayangkan saja kawan-kawan),trus..kakak di jurusan tehnik industry (kata
tyas sih..mirip…ahakahak..pokoknya kayak ada darah arab-arabnya gitu deh
mukanya,kemaren pake kemeja flannel, tapi tingginya..palingan 180-an tapi gak
sampe 185-an deh kayaknya),trus ada lagi dari klub robotic gitu namanya kak
rizky (heheeee masih ingettt), tinggi....palingan 185-an, item manis, jago
b.inggris coyyy keliatan dari cara ngomongnya, terutama cara ngomong “r” nya,
dan robotic guys..tinggi,ganteng,pinter b.inggris, dan sophisticated,hem…dannn
iniiiiiii ininihhh iniiiii!! Terakhir dari klub apa sih..pokoknya nyiptain
mobil atau kapal selam gitu deh, trus mobilnya, mobil ramah lingkungan
gitulohhh apa sih kemaren gak terlalu meratiin (salah focus kali ya kemaren
-_-), gila….putih…sipit..tinggi..(gak tau semenjak abis ikut les di suatu
tempat yang mayoritas dari anak-anak kolese kanisius, penabur dkk yang isinya
orang-orang sipit putih pinter, jadi ngefans banget sama cowok-cowok kayak
gituu..apalagi plus tinggi,plus jago ngerap, plus suaranya ngebass plus
humoris, plus kocak (eh itu mah chanyeol ^^v)). Trus…kakak yang jadi mandu
kelllingnya juga lumayan kecelah…aduh…gak tau kenapa..semua kakak cowoknya tuh
kece semua disana. Kece lebih ke berkharisma soalnya. Apa mungkin soalnya
semuanya pada pake jakun (read:jaket kuning) ya?hem…
Hah…tapi parah deh..masa di akhir sesi kan yaa kayak
perpisahan gitu trus boleh nanya-nanya kan, trus kakaknya cerita pokoknya
katanya kalo di UI gak mungkin dapet ipk 1, -an apalagi kalo awal-awal paling
SINCE EVER!!! And those words…scared me to hell…nanti kalo kata mereka bener gimana?
What if I have to struggle a lot just to have a normal score? Soalnya mereka
pada bilang disana kalo pinter ya pinter banget, kalo enggak, ya udah enggak.
Jadi kayak gak ada golongan tengah gitu. Ipk kalo gak dapet 4 yaa berarti dapet
2-an..aduh..Ya Allah…semoga gak bener juga deh itu semua. AHHHH YA
tyas -__-)!!!
And well…actually I have another story, but…I don’t think it
is really necessary so that’s all guys!! Actually I took some photos yesterday
but on my friend’s phone because I don’t have any phone anymore
T_T soo… I just
gonna attached some photos of me and my friends since I miss them all a lot
after for almost 3 days i lost contact with all of them TT_TT
And here there are...the best 3 photos that I treasured the most because it brings back so many wonderful memories T_T
from my little reunion with olda and siva
crazy time with craziest people <3
One of my unforgettable holiday in my entire life